Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Difficult situation .

 What comes to our mind when we listen and think  word “DIFFICULT” ; not easy to do or understand and then a negative vibration comes from our mind.

So, these whole depends on our THOUGHT


  1. According to  you what is the difficult situation in everyone's life? 

  2. What is difficult situation? 

  3. How would you handle difficult situation in your life? 

  4. How you handled a difficult situation at your home? 

  5. How will you teach your children if he/she  is in a difficult situation?

  6. How do you get out of a difficult situation? 

  7. How do you get your children out of the difficult situation?

  8. What do you consider to be difficult situation in your life? ( Give example )

  1. How do you stay calm in difficult situation?

  2. How do you keep your children calm? In Difficult Situation?

What not to do in difficult situation?

Don't shout to anyone 

Don't hit your kids 

Don't fight with your family members 

Don't take wrong step (suicide and harm someone etc  ) 

Don't think too much 

Don't be alone 

Don't think negative 

Don't think negative of anyone in your mind

 Don't fear

What to do in difficult situation?

Try to talk to someone whom you comfortable .

(But don't talk to negative  people ) 

Take a long breath and try to get a relax .




Watch movie 

Listen songs 

Watch motivational videos 

Think of the poor people how are they surving and all (best example of ever) etc...

What are some challenges you have overcome?

  •  Fear

  •  Negativity

  • Set-backs

  • Loss of control

  • Rejection 

  •  Lack of Motivation

How can you stay calm in difficult situations?

calm  and breath slowly. After few minutes or so, you should get calm enough to actually think.

Do  meditation, Excercise or yoga 

Try to do another work.

Talk to your family members

Talk your friends 

Tell in our school (if it possible we will try to help you).

How do you communicate with a difficult situation?

Staying Calm and Focused

 Communication becomes easier when we are calm, take some deep breaths and try to maintain an air of calmness, others are more likely to remain calm if you do. Keep focused on what you want to say, don't deviate or get distracted from the reason that you are communicating.

How do you succeed in difficult situations?

How To Survive The Hard Times In Life And Still Succeed

Keep your routine. As hard as it is sometimes, it is best to keep your routine as much as possible. ... 

Exercise and eat well. Keep moving and eat the best you can. ... 

Schedule in 'do nothing' time. ... 

Take a new risk. ... 

Persist and chip away at it. ... 

Stay diplomatic. ... 

Ice people out. ... 

Buy yourself something new.

How do you handle difficult situations at your home ?

Take time to cool off and gather your emotions.

If the situation is not handled, go out of the house for some time.

Try to convince to your husband/children and your family members. 

 How do you handle difficult situations in life?

1. Acknowledge the Situation

Sometimes you  try to stay in denial when you face a tough situation. However, the longer you try to avoid the problem, the longer it will take to address it.

Acknowledge the situation exists, regardless of how you feel about it. Be prepared to face the situation head on so you can get through it. Even if you can’t change the situation, acknowledging it can help you accept it and move on.

2. Develop a Plan

Brainstorm potential ways to deal with the situation. You’re likely to have more options than you might think. Spend time thinking about how you can respond to a tough situation.

Even if you can’t fix it, you can develop a plan to cope with it. For example, determine who you can call on for support and how you can keep going even when you don’t feel like it.

3. Seek Help When Necessary

Asking for help can be a sign of strength and courage. Don’t be afraid to look for help in a variety of ways to help you cope with a tough situation in life.

Whether you need some practical help, like a friend , and our school,  or you need emotional support from your family, don’t expect others to know what you need. Tell people what they can do to be helpful and you’ll get your needs met much faster.

4. Change What You Can

Identify what is within your control and resolve to make change. 

5. Identify What You Can’t Change

Don’t waste time and energy trying to change things you can’t change. You can’t change anyone else and you can’t change your past. Spending too much time thinking about and wishing things were different won’t do any good.

Instead, accept that the situation is unfair and tough. Don’t pretend it’s not. But don’t waste a second trying to will it to be different.

6. Develop Coping Skills to Deal with Your Feelings

Just because you acknowledge a situation is unfair, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Dealing with sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment is tough business.

Develop a plan to cope with all those difficult feelings. Resign to take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting exercise, and getting adequate amounts of rest. Find strategies to deal with complex feelings, such as spending time with loved ones(family), journaling, or participating in fun activities.

7. Focus on What You Can Gain

Usually something good can come out of even the worst situations. Focus on what you might gain for having survived a tough situation.

Perhaps, you’ll come out of it a stronger person or maybe you’ll have learned a valuable life lesson. Whatever it is, try to view the situation as a learning experience that will help you in some way later in life.

Need an Instant Motivation Boost?

No matter what you're going through, you're capable to break out from the negative cycle!

What to say in difficult situations

1. Acknowledge it.

Be careful for when you bring it up – don’t bring it up in front of a large group of people, wait for some one-on-one time. When the time is right, ask “how are you feeling?”.

2. Be practical.

Ask “What are the next steps?” or “Talk to me about what this is going to look like for you?”.

3. Ask how you can help. 

It’s important to do what you can to help. Can you watch her kids? Take her  for lunch? These may seem like small things, but they will be a huge help.

A parent passes:

1. Acknowledge it.

Tell them, “I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.” Then, depending on your level of trust, you can go deeper with it.

2. Be empathetic but not sympathetic. 

If you have a deep level of trust, you can say something like, “I know that this is painful and heart wrenching, but I know you’re going to get through this.”

1. Don’t approach it directly.

Instead of cutting right to the chase, ask “How are you doing?” or “How are you feeling?” or “Are you stressed out?”. That will start a conversation and during that time they might bring it up themselves, and then you can talk about it more.

2. How can I help?

Talk about how you can help – do they want to start running with you or cooking meals together? Try to do something proactive that will help the situation.

Difficult life situation:

1. Quarter-life, midlife crisis

As we age, we see ourselves changing physically and mentally. So, there come times during our aging process that we seek answers about the changes happening to and around us. After adolescence, between our early 20s and early 30s, we begin to make choices on how to best fit into society.

This transition period could be difficult for some of us to handle which turns into the ‘quarter-life crisis’. The sheer amount of confusion and pressure often leads to situations like depression or potentially even acts of self-harm.

During the process of aging, there comes another phase called ‘midlife crisis’, in between the early 40s and early 50s when we begin to truly feel our mortality. These are times when we have to deal with lots of changes which we naturally, as humans, find difficult to deal with. Knowing that the changes are inevitable and finding the strength to accept the changes is the only way to find courage and get through these times of crisis.

2. Getting injured, falling sick

Accidents happen and sickness might find us, no matter how many precautions we take. Though, this should not dissuade us from being cautious and trying to live healthily. Recovering from injuries is one of the hardest times one could experience and potentially learning to live with changes to your body and abilities can be a major adjustment physically and emotionally.

Again, keeping the right attitude towards life is the key to dealing with it. The seemingly long journey of recovery could be made less stressful by engaging in other  activities that the ailments don’t prevent. There is usually always something that you can find to do if you’re willing. For example, there have been people with cancer have written great novels   their hospital beds.

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