Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Signs of drug use.


Most adolescents who use drugs do not become drug
abusers or drug addicts in adulthood. But drug use in
adolescence can put their mental, emotional, and physical
health at risk. And it can put a few vulnerable kids at risk
for ongoing drug abuse and addiction problems into their

Drug abuse means that someone uses a drug for pleasure
or to get high. Drug addiction means that a person has
become dependent on the drug and has no control over
whether, how, or when to use it, or how much to use.
Drug addiction can be physical, psychological, or both.

For more rapidly addictive drugs, such as
methamphetamine, heroin, crack, or even nicotine, some

people report they felt addicted after using the drug only

once or twice.

Signs of drug use.

Your child may be using alcohol or drugs if you notice a

dramatic change in the teen's appearance, friends, or

physical health.

These are other possible signs:

Evidence of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia.

Behavioral problems and poor grades in school.

Emotional distancing, isolation, depression, or fatigue.

Overly influenced by peers.

Hostility, irritability, or change in level of cooperation

around the house.

Lying or increased evasiveness about after-school or

weekend whereabouts.

Decrease in interest in personal appearance.

Physical changes, such as bloodshot eyes, runny nose,

frequent sore throats, and rapid weight loss.

Changes in mood, eating, or sleeping patterns.

Dizziness and memory problems.

Unusual odor on breath (alcohol, inhalants, marijuana).

Widely dilated pupils even in bright light.

                              Variety of causes


Drug use develops over time, and different pathways lead

to drug problems. These are some of the general factors

that may place a teen at risk:

Too little parental supervision and monitoring.

Lack of communication and interaction between parents

and children.

Poorly defined and poorly communicated family or home

rules and expectations about drug use

Inconsistent or excessively severe discipline

Family conflict

Parental permissiveness toward adolescent alcohol and

drug use, and/or parental alcoholism or drug use

Peers and peer pressure, especially if the teen hangs

around with at-risk friends

In addition, a teen with the following mental or emotional

tendencies may be at increased risk:

Medical history of an anxiety disorder or disruptive


Medical history of depression or bipolar disorder; this

may appear after substance abuse begins

Poor academic achievement

Abnormal socialization between the ages of 7 and 9;

abnormal socialization means having parents or peers

who behave in ways not acceptable to most people; for

instance, having parents who abuse drugs

High need for sensation seeking or engaging in physically

risky or dangerous behaviors

Psychological distress

Difficulty maintaining emotional stability

Perception that drug use is harmless

Low family income, with little access to opportunity for


Early treatment is best

The earlier you seek help for a teen's alcohol or drug

problem, the better. A qualified family therapist can

evaluate and assess your child, then provide appropriate

treatment. This may include outpatient therapy or therapy

in a residential treatment facility.

How successful treatment will be depends on your teen's

temperament and willingness to change, as well as how

long and how often the drug was used. It may take

several times at trying to quit before your child is able to

do so for the long term. Each attempt to quit brings the

child closer to success.

Where should you look for a counselor for your child?

Talk with your child's health care provider, other parents

whose children have been treated for drug abuse, a local

hospital, school social worker, or county mental health


Therapy focuses on the teen's life choices, in addition to

his or her relationships with family members. It's

essential you be involved in the treatment. Positive parent

relationships are a critical ingredient in combating a

teen's drug problems.

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