You may not be able to prepare the future for your children, but you can prepare your
children for the future.
There are some examples of values of life:
● Dependability
● Reliability
● Loyalty
● Open-mindedness
● Consistency
● Honesty
● Efficiency
● Courage
● Kindness
● Patience
● Integrity
● Gratitude / Appreciation
● Forgiveness
● Love
● Growth
● Listening
● Respect
● Self-Giving
● Vision
Teach your child:
1) Being an Honest Person…the single most important value for children to learn.
2) The Value of Education and Academics…how knowledge can change a person’s life.
3) Impact of Food/Exercise...importance of taking care of the only body you will ever have.
4) Respect for Other People…the enjoyment of your life is highly dependent on those around
5) Learning to Listen…an overlooked, but life changing skill.
6) Good Manners/Proper Personal Conduct…nice, polite people are the most enjoyable people.
7) How and When to Apologize and Forgive…lifetime tools to help you forgive and move on with
8) Friends – Good Ones and Bad Ones…valuing these associations while maintaining
9) Personal Responsibility…owning up to who you are and what you did.
10) Understanding Financial Fundamentals…one is never too young to learn how to manage
his/her money.
11) Plans and Goals…the future is yours, reach out and get it.
1) Being an Honest Person
Why Is Honesty So Important? If you stop and think about this for a moment, most of us can
answer this question by sharing examples of honesty and dishonesty that we have experienced
in our own lives. Parents should not hesitate to share real-life examples because it the best
way for children to see the benefits of being honest as well as the problems that dishonest
behavior creates. Honesty is important because it the glue that builds and maintains trust
between people, young and old. Children need to learn that it is the act of honesty – not the
information actually being shared – that builds trust.
In other words, sharing bad news in a truthful way is much better than telling “something great”
that is really only a near truth. An act of dishonesty always damages the level of trust between
people, and there are no exceptions to this fact. So, if children are going to build and maintain
solid relationships, they must come to understand the role that honesty plays….and that the
practice of honesty will lead them to more friends and a much happier life.
7) Personal Responsibility
Learning that you will always have to own up to what you do, helps children make responsible
choices in the first place. The reason that most bad choices are made in the first place is the
basic belief that one will never get caught and no one will ever know. Whether other people ever
know or not is immaterial. The thing that children need to understand is that they will know, and
just the knowledge of knowing that they did something wrong will, in fact, hurt them in the long
run. Children need to learn the value of living an honest life and that they are personally
responsible for their actions…how well they do in school, how they treat their friends, how they
use their spare time are all choices that they have to make…and be personally responsible for
the results.
8) Financial Fundamentals
Financial Fundamentals
Starting from about the age of three, children will be involved in managing money for the rest of
their lives. Therefore, children need to become financially responsible at an early age. They
need to have experience managing their own money, seeing what it’s like to save money and
have it grow and to understand what it’s like to operate on a budget with this week’s allowance.
Parents who don’t involve children in the issues that surround money and, instead, simply buy
them most the things they want (as well as what they need), are leaving a big gap in the
development of their child…a gap that the child will surely fall into at some point in their life.
9) Developing Plans and Goals
We all need something to look forward to…an important mission can direct our lives. Obviously,
it’s somewhat difficult for very young children to know what they want to do with their life, and,
that’s not really what we’re talking about here as career choices are typically made when we are
older. However, there can be many small goals (interests) that develop in children at an early
age and parents should be mindful of this so that they can be on the lookout for these little clues
that will most likely lead the child to greater interests and greater goals as he/she develops. Are
we saying that the 5-year-old who develops a strong interest in tennis will someday be a tennis
star? Maybe. We, as parents, need to teach our children that small goals are important and that
we are willing to help them achieve those goals.
● Time management is another…every child needs to learn how to manage their day
including time for homework, time for sports activities and time for responsibilities around
the house.
● Group participations help children grow, develop and learn to interact properly with
other children. Give some thought to the group participations you want your child to
experience and help them become an active part in several of them.
● Faith-based programs and activities should be considered as they can be a very
positive influence on your child’s life and enhance his/her opportunities to meet and work
with like-minded individuals.
● Being open-minded and tolerant of other viewpoints is something that children are
certainly not learning from the politicians they frequently hear/see on television so, if this
is important to you, you will likely have to do some special work to get them to be open-
minded about both sides of an particular issue.
What Are Core Values?
Core values are principles or beliefs that you hold most dear and that are of central importance
in your life. When everything around you is changing, when the world is difficult to understand,
and when you are riding up and down the emotion rollercoaster, your core values will always be
there for you.
Why Are Core Values Important?
Core values are important because they act like a compass to help you lead the amazing life
that you want, no matter where you find yourself in this world.
Not only that, having the right core values can improve your decision-making, your productivity,
your achievements and perhaps most importantly, your ability to love and be loved. They’re kind
of a big deal. And it isn’t just us saying this, studies have shown core values to have a whole
host of other benefits.
There are some core values:
1. Acceptance
The ability to accept what you can control and what you can’t control. Being able to understand
that on some days you are the hammer, and other days you are the nail. With acceptance as a
core value, you can build either way and be happy while doing it.
2. Adaptability
Life is going to throw you curve ball after curve ball and if you aren’t ready for them, you are
going to strikeout. Your life and the life of those you surround yourself with are far too complex
to confine yourself to one mould.
Be adaptable and ready and willing to change when you need to.
3. Awareness
Awareness is one of the best core values that we can adopt. Period. Awareness means paying
attention to yourself, to others, to the world around us, to emotions, to situations. It means being
able to see everyone and everything clearly – most importantly yourself.
4. Balance
There are going to be times when we need to sprint in life, and other times when we are going
to need to slow down. The yin and the yang.
Balance is one of the most important core values in many ancient cultures because it reflects
nature for what it truly is: perfectly balanced and able to bend, rather than break.
5. Calmness
As well as being a sublime state of mind, many people forget that calm is a simple decision to
We can be calm in any situation should we allow ourself to be. No amount of angry drivers, long
queues or frustrating technology can penetrate us when we adopt calmness as a core value.
6. Community
Every one of us is a social creature, whether we believe it or not, and community has been a
key core value for us as a species for thousands of years.
We are hard-wired to socialize; to eat, drink, gossip, laugh, tell stories, share ideas, give and
receive amongst ourselves. Community also enhances the effect of other core values on this
list, such as creativity.
7. Compassion
Compassion is taking the time to understand the suffering of others and hopefully, being able to
do something about it. There is a lot of struggle and suffering that can be alleviated in the world;
with a core value like compassion we might be able to do help our fellow humans in some
meaningful way.
8. Creativity
With technology taking most of the administrative jobs, creative people are going to be leading
us into the future.
Someone who cherishes creativity is able to think up new and big ideas, see things that other
people can’t and see the world around them through their own lens, not somebody else’s.
9. Discipline
Discipline will lead us to the life that we want, should should adopt it as a core value.
Discipline to workout means more freedom in our body as our age. Discipline to save means
more freedom with our time and money in the long-term. And so it goes.
10. Empathy
There is perhaps no greater value on this list that will connect us deeper to not just the closest
people in our life but to complete strangers too.
Practising empathy requires the understanding that other people have a nagging voice in their
own head, just like you do. That they have a worldview different to yours based on their
experiences. And that’s ok. It’s not easy to adopt empathy as a core value, but it is certainly
worth it.
11. Freedom
Freedom comes in many forms and that is why it is one of the ultimate core values to have. The
freedom to choose, freedom to speak, freedom to live on your own terms, freedom to love and
be loved.
If freedom becomes a core value of yours, watch how your life changes for the better.
12. Gratitude
Gratitude provides a powerful perspective shift whenever you feel yourself get into a rut.
You can become grateful for the big things like having shelter, food and great people in your life.
You can also become grateful for the small things like the cup of coffee that you just drank or
the soft sheets on your bed.
13. Happiness
Happiness is a powerful core value and is not just restricted to your own happiness but also
friends and family.
When happiness guides your decision-making rather than superficial things like money and
status, you will find yourself in a much more satisfying position than if you chase other people’s
idea of happiness.
14. Health
They say that a healthy man has a lot of dreams and wishes whereas a sick man only has one –
to be able to get out of bed.
Health is the precursor to every other core value on this list; if you don’t have your health, you
can’t do much else until you do. Because of this, health has to be a core value in your life.
15. Humility
is the antidote to arrogance and selfishness and is a value to adopt if you want to keep your feet
firmly on the ground. It is said that you are never as good or as bad as people say you are.
Humility recognizes this and keeps you moving towards your goal, no matter what anyone else
16. Innovation
The act of innovation involves taking one existing thing and making it better. Although images of
whacky car designs and complicated technology can spring to mind when thinking about
innovation, it doesn’t have to be that grandiose.
Simply seeing something small and making it better in your own life is enough to make a world
of difference.
17. Knowledge
Knowledge is power. Not power in the 14th-century medieval banker-sense but in the power to
change your own life-sense.
Knowledge about yourself, others and the world allows you to understand everything that you
see a bit better. When you see things for what they are, you can act accordingly and get to
where you want to be.
18. Leadership
It take guts, determination, confidence and humility to lead. All of these qualities are both rare
and admirable and are the reason why leadership is such an excellent core value.
19. Love
It can be argued that all of the core values on this list can be tied together by the one, all-
encompassing value of Love.
When we value love deeply and try to show it in everything that we do, we make our world and
the world of others a much better place.
20. Peace
Peace is another core value that takes years of practice to perfect. However, its rewards are
boundless with both the journey and destination full of rewards.
Peace enables clear decision-making, freedom in thoughts and actions as well as providing a
deep understanding of the special life that you live.
21. Purpose
Purpose can be doubled up with ‘meaning’ as these are two values that provide the drive in any
endeavour that we might pursue.
Purpose is what gets you out of bed every morning, it is why you sacrifice what you sacrifice
and often entails something bigger than yourself. If you don’t have a purpose, it is unlikely that
you will find much meaning in your life.
22. Responsibility
responsibility is an obligation or duty.
23. Spirituality
There is the importance of physical health, mental health and emotional health, but spiritual
health is just as important.
Spirituality has nothing to do with religion, it simply means taking the time to listen to your body,
to watch your thoughts, to connect with and appreciate the world and the universe that you find
yourself in.
24. Trust
Trust is a core value on this list because it requires many other difficult skills that also help to
develop you as a person.
To be able to trust and be trusted, you need strong relationships, an ounce of risk, a healthy
dose of vulnerability and a smidge of humility. All of this creates a recipe for a very positive life
with trust at the centre.
25. Understanding
Understanding comes from a place of acceptance of what is, not what should be or could be. It
is the ability to recognise someone else’s viewpoint without trying to change it. It is learning that
it is useless to fight against the way the world is and other people are, and to learn to dance with
them instead.
26. Wealth
Not in the monetary sense but in the ‘having everything that you need sense’. Someone who is
truly wealthy possesses great relationships, plenty of freedom, a life filled with joy as well as
many of the other values on this list.
Adopt wealth as a core value and it will act as a magnet to other incredible things.
27. Wisdom
Contrary to popular belief, wisdom does not come with age but rather, experience. There are
many young people with more wisdom than the oldest people that you know. What makes
someone wise is their ability to see broadly and clearly, to use good judgement and to be
decisive when necessary.
Wisdom is something that we all should seek.
28. Wonder
Wonder is thinking about the possibility of what comes next, dreaming about how you and
things could be better, pushing your own boundaries and what you think you are capable of
each day.
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